Pregnancy - Danger Signs During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be uncomfortable in many ways throughout the nine months period. But some aspects are within normal range, others can signal serious issues. Only your physician can provide you with definitive answers, but knowing some of the common risk signals can help mothers decide whether to seek professional advice. Always err on the side of caution.

About two weeks after the first missed period, about half of pregnant women experience nausea. It can occur once per day or almost all day and persists (for some) throughout the first trimester. That can make it difficult to decide when a stomach condition is a serious problem, such as hypertension. Here again, err on the side of caution. Better to appear weak in the eyes of some than to risk the health of your baby.

Severe pelvic or abdominal pain goes beyond what might accompany gastrointestinal upset. In the early months of pregnancy, it may be a sign of a tubal pregnancy. A 'tubal' is a condition in which the fertilized ovum attaches to the fallopian tube rather than further down, in the uterus. Later on, it may signal that the placenta has separated from the uterus.

If you experience this kind of pain, seek attention right away. Only a medical professional can provide the diagnostic experience and tools to get an objective answer. They won't always know with certainty, but your odds are better with them. Don't rely on 'old wives tales'.

Mild fever can occur in pregnancy as it can at any other time. But if the fever rises above 100F (37.8C) it's time to seek attention. Infection or viral illness can cause premature labor and a high fever can put your baby at risk. Don't panic, just get yourself on the phone and discuss the situation with your physician.

Severe headache, swollen eyes or face or blurred vision can be an indicator of toxemia. This occurs when toxic substances are present in the blood stream. Apart from the discomfort, they may well be relatively harmless. The condition may be due to eclampsia, the result of hypertension. The only way to tell is to be tested. Other symptoms include flashing lights in front of the eyes and sharp pains under the rib cage.

After about four to five months, movement from the developing fetus should be common, occurring a few times every hour. Mothers are readily aware of these movements. Any substantial reduction in frequency or persistent lack of movement should be discussed with your doctor. Fetal distress is one possibility, but a correct diagnosis can only be supplied by a professional.

Any kind of vaginal discharge or bleeding should be checked right away, especially if it occurs more than two weeks prior to the due date. After that time, fluid leak may be a sign that your 'water has broken', but have it checked anyway. Any sign of bleeding suggests the possibility that the sac has separated from the uterus. This should be dealt with immediately.

Don't worry about being overly cautious where your and your growing baby's health is concerned. Most issues can be addressed with no long lasting effects if dealt with early.

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