Rediscovering Protein - Corrective Action in the American Diet

Protein must be a part of a healthy diet for a simple reason: it is essential for life. Every single cell in the human body -- including bones, blood, skin, chemicals, and enzymes -- depend on protein for effective operation.[i]

Yet while Americans are more health-conscious than ever before, the national health dialogue continues to be dominated by a cynical theme: malnutrition. Many Americans are suffering the ill-health effects of a diet that is too high in saturated fat[ii], carbohydrates[iii], and calories[iv], while severely lacking in protein.

This wave of malnutrition is not merely disconcerting to medical professionals. It is alarming. The situation has become so desperate that obesity will soon become the nation's leading cause of preventable death.[v]

America's nutritional dilemma is not, however, limited to obesity concerns. Malnutrition in non-overweight individuals is nearing epidemic levels. Millions of "fit looking" individuals subsist on a diet that is far too rich in carbohydrates a problem that has been enhanced for generations by the US FDA's encouragement of refined carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet. We now know, however, that many of these refined carbohydrates are metabolically similar to candies and sweets. Added to this problem is that saturated fats continue to dominate many meals, particular those served in fast food restaurants.

Essentially then, the problem in America can be summed up as this: eat right or prepare to suffer shape up, or die a preventable death.

The first step in balancing America's eating practices is to reintroduce the importance of protein. This neglect is all the more stunning given that, of the three major macronutrients - carbohydrates, fats, and proteins - proteins are the only essential component that human beings cannot live without.

Reintroducing protein as part of a healthy diet is made more difficult because many consumers do not know where to find a healthy source of protein. Unfortunately, most nutritional supplement sources bring with them a range unwanted carbohydrates, facts, and calories. PowerbarT, the "granddaddy" of nutritional supplements launched in 1987, has been rejected as an option by some consumers and health professionals because of high carbohydrate levels (45 grams), and low protein levels (10 grams) in each serving. Furthermore, dieters in particular have criticized Powerbar'sT high 230 calories per bar --more than 1/10th of the recommended caloric intake.

Other attempts to meet consumer demand for a high protein, low carbohydrate, low fat, and low calorie nutritional supplement have been supplied by products such as the York BarT, the Blast BarT, and the Ironman BarT, respectively. However, each product has been judged by some consumers and medical professionals as having have similar PowerbarT-like drawbacks: high calorie levels (210, 180, 230 grams respectively), high carbohydrate levels (30, 36, and 51 grams, respectively), and most notably of all, low protein content (7, 10, and 4 grams, respectively).

While these products have certainly helped more people "think" about eating healthier, they have not, respectively, met the rigorous consumer expectation for a low carbohydrate, low calorie, low fat, and high protein nutritional supplement.

However, there is a product in the market today called Profect® that is receiving significant credible attention from both the consumer and medical communities.

Profect, a product of Pennsylvania-based Protica, Inc. (, provides 25 grams of protein in each fat-free, carbohydrate-free 100-calorie serving. Profect also offers a range of essential nutrients in each serving, including 100% of vitamin C and 50% of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Biotin and Folic Acid. All of this is delivered to consumers in a 2.7-ounce container designed to be virtually indestructible. The container also serves to increase storage life and heat resistance.

The debate for America's protein and diet IQ will not begin with what is placed on a dinner table, or what is offered at a fast food restaurant. This is where the debate will end. Where it begins will be in the minds of consumers and medical professionals everywhere. High quality, accurate, and scientifically validated information is required to carefully choose a protein-rich balanced approach. For a growing number of investigative consumers, that solution centers around products like Profect.

About Protica

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at You can also learn about Profect at


[i] Source: "The Benefits of Protein". WebMD.

[ii] Source: The Center for Disease Control.

[iii] Source: "Building a Better American Diet: School of Harvard Gazette Archives Public Health Conference Looks at Science Behind Diet Recommendations".

[iv] Source: "CDC: Americans Eating More than Ever". CNN.

[v] Source: "Why Is America So Fat?". CBS News.

Copyright 2004 - Protica Research -

About the Author

About Protica

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. You can learn more about Protica at -- Information on Profect is available at

Copyright 2004 - Protica Research

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